We need to podcast more.
It’s fun, and Parker is good at it.
Episode seven got so good, Parker lost herself in our conversation and forgot we were recording. I told her those make the best podcast episodes.
And this is our best episode yet.
Not just because of the topic and what it means to Parker’s future. But the organic discussion epitomizes our beautiful daddy-daughter bond.
That’s another reason we need to podcast more. It’s something we should capture while we can.
But this was a special episode.
I reveal to Parker her newly funded Roth IRA, recording the moment and her reaction on the car ride home from school.
Parker also makes her first investment live on the podcast!
And we play a spontaneous game of “Let’s Make a Deal.”
We hope you enjoy the episode below.
Thank you for the Shout Out, the fantastic Podcast, and the start of the brightest financial future possible for Parker and her children, and their children…