“Normal is an illusion”

It just made so much sense to me when I heard it as a young adult. I’ve always done my own thing and been kind of different, so being “normal” was at times, a goal. So when I heard that quote, it was like a reassuring hug from a loved one. Normal IS an illusion. My norm is mine and yours is yours.

The full quote is “Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.” It’s by Charles Addams but is famously known because of The Addams Family film, and of course, Morticia Addams. I’ve always enjoyed the characters from that movie. They were created to be the opposite of what’s normally show as a loving couple/family. A husband that’s hopelessly in love with his wife and adores his children and a woman that is her own person, darkness and all, that is supported and loved by her family. Two siblings that plot on each other and together. lol! We were shown this odd display of family/love and told it was weird or not normal. But we learn that the love they display is more genuine, honest and healthy than most other shows/movies we’ve encountered.

So all that to say, normal is an illusion.

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Wow!! Thank you for sharing and for going into such great detail. I appreciate you! And now I have a greater appreciation for that quote as well.

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Faith without works is dead- James 2:14-26

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A classic! Thank you for reading and sharing, Tiffany.

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“You playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightening about shrinking so others won’t feel insecure around you. As you let your own light shine, you indirectly give others permission to do the same.”

— Marianne Williamson

I stumbled across this quote during my college days, some 18 years ago now. Admittedly, it’s been awhile since I’ve revisited it. But doing so reminds me of the duty we have to stretch toward the God-given potential living inside each one of us.

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I love that, Drew. I've had to remind myself of something similar to that often during my personal transformation. As you said, we have an obligation to strive for being the best versions of ourselves. Thank you for reading and contributing.

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"I Shall NOT want. I’ve got everything that I need. Your Goodness and Your Mercy are following me!” Paraphrase of 23rd Psalm

I receive so that I will have when I need to do for myself and for others. I know the source of all that I have ever received!! And I know that God’s Goodness and the Mercy He shows me daily are the “things” that Money cannot buy!

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Amen! Thank you for that, mom.

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“Don't wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.“ Jim Rohn

Thank you for sharing!

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Love that one. Definitely adding it to my collection. Thank you, Cliff.

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