I’ve never bothered to track my weed spending. I do know that I consume less in the winter months and more in the summer, but I need to put a dollar amount to it. My “Forever Lover” or “reefa” as I like to call it, has been my “glass of wine” for a while now, but I’ve drastically cut back on it and liquor. It’s kinda like I don’t want to face the truth but growth/change is within that harsh reality that I must face so I’ll put some numbers down and track the rest of the year, especially the summer.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m fascinated by what’s behind your higher consumption in the summer than the winter. (But I’m not asking you to share here. Lol.) You also bring up a great point about facing the truth. It’s the main reason I wrote this column. I can no longer ignore my money pitfalls. You know you’ve got my support as you start tracking your numbers. :)

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I absolutely love the transparency in this ( I also didn't know you were a consumer of weed). The transparency is important and tracking your expenses (all expenses) will give you better direction around how your money is spent. Thanks for this Darnell.

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Thank you Rahkim. I appreciate you reading and passing on the compliment. It’s important for me to be transparent. The truth is always easier than the lie in the end.

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Insightful! So appreciate your monthly cost breakdown. May I offer a thought to reframe and ideas for cost-saving? It's more than just recreational. Is spending $166 a month on medicine for your mental, emotional, and physical health worthwhile? C*nnabis isn't just recreational, there are plenty of medicinal benefits even if you're not a medical consumer.

If you buy a lot (which you're not), getting a medical card can help reduce the taxes you pay. Growing your own is WAY more cost-effective. A couple plants will last more than the entire year. Smoking joints uses more flower than smoking from a bowl/b*ng. Vapes are the most expensive and worst quality. Edibles are extremely effective, it uses less flower to make edibles, it's 3x stronger feeling, and lasts longer.

I wrote a post on my Substack about "5 Ways to Spend Less on W**d" without sacrificity potency.


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I like the way you think Christina! And I agree. My usage is very much more than recreational, even if the personal benefits for me haven’t been diagnosed by a doctor. I need to revisit the idea of a medical card. It makes sense in my situation.

Thank you for reading and offering your perspective. I’ll definitely check out your post.

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