I’m definitely one of those who sometime overtip because of the perception. It’s hard to get away from sometimes.

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That’s real. And very brave of you to share, Marc. Thank you. It’s pretty wild how pervasive that negative perception is and the routine patterns of behavior that have emerged from it.

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For me, this is a long awaited Money Talks entry that was truly worth the wait. Makes you go “Hmmmm!!!” Your title belies the depth, seriousness and pertinent of the matter. Now I need to rethink and rationalize all that you have shared with us, and determine my course of action - - keep Tipping, modify my Tips, stop Tipping in those ridicules elevator-like situations, or stop Tipping all together. Maybe, for every satisfying meal, well performed service, uplifting experience I have, I will donate that 10, 15, 20 or 20+ percent of what I was just blessed to be able to spend on myself to a charitable cause that helps those who are still locked in those “lower class” situations that still exist. “Rethinking Tipping”

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Thank you, Mom! I’m glad the column was worth the wait and led you to additional consideration of the subject. That was my goal. I’m curious to hear what conclusions you come to. As you’re thinking about it, just know I’ve decided to use your headline for my next tipping column. :)

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